Stevie Wonder reflects on his thirty year friendship with Ray Kurzweil and what Ray means to him. Steve Wonder was the first person to buy Ray Kurzweil’s reader for the blind. Later Wonder would befriend Kurzweil and encouraged him to venture into music technology, leading to Kurzweil Keyboards.
Transcendent Man Stevie Wonder: I, you know, let me say this: what I know is that he has used the gift that he was given, that he discovered at five years old, for the betterment of humankind, that’s what I know. All the rest of it, I’m aware of it, but the most important thing to me is that he has allowed his heart to connect with his mind and used what he has been given to move humankind to a greater and better place, that’s what I know.

The singularity documentary that chronicles the life and ideas of Ray Kurzweil. Ray, the inventor and futurist known for his bold vision of the Singularity, a point in the near future when technology will be changing so rapidly. We will have to enhance ourselves with artificial intelligence to keep up.
Ray predicts this will be the dawning of a new civilization. Here we will no longer be dependent on our physical bodies. We will be billions of times more intelligent. There will be no clear distinction between human and machine, real reality and virtual reality. Human aging and illness will be reversed world hunger and poverty will be solved and we will ultimately cure death. Critics accuse Ray of being too optimistic and argue that the dangers of the Singularity far outweigh the benefits. Pointing out the apocalyptic implications that once machines achieve consciousness, we may not be able to control them. Whether Ray’s controversial ideas incite excitement or fear, dogma or disbelief this ambitious documentary will forever change the way you look at life, death, and your own future.